Made in Europe
The SpinaliS production is based in Europe - Ljubljana, Slovenia
The production started already in 1999

At this time, one young sportsman named Tomaz Ham began working in the graphics industry. Sitting at the table was very uncomfortable for him and after long hours at work, he felt fatigued and adverse effects on his body. Tomaz began to look for new ways of sitting at his table. First, he tried a kneeling stool, then sitting on the therapeutic ball, and finally decided to redesign his office chair with an idea he had. Instead of a component that connects the seat of the chair to its base, he used a spring, thereby bringing into being the first prototype of a chair with a movable seat for active sitting. This innovative seat combined the sensation of a therapeutic ball with the comfort of an office chair.
Having consulted that with many doctors and physiotherapists he became convinced that his chair has a positive effect on maintaining a proper posture while sitting.

Tomaz, together with his wife Sandra, first presented the patented invention at the Alpe Adria Home 2000 fair and the response of fair visitors was remarkable. At the Trade Fair in Celje 2001, they already have received the order for the thousandth SpinaliS chair, which after 11 developmental stages finally took the shape of a modern office chair. Sandra always insisted on giving a great impression also from the design point.
Sales have been increasing day by day since and nothing stood in the way of sharing his idea with the world. Tomaz gathered a large number of positive opinions from physicians and orthopedic, surgical, and rehabilitation specialists about the results of using his invention. Since the introduction of healthy chairs in 2000, SpinaliS has won a number of significant global certificates and awards.
Today, SpinaliS chairs are being distributed worldwide and they are known as synonyms for healthy sitting!
SpinaliS healthy chairs - technology

Many physicians and specialists have been involved in the process of bringing SpinaliS health chairs to their current form, mainly those with expertise in physiotherapy. The result is a unique patented attachment system - a seat on the spring - that simulates sitting on a therapeutic ball.
Using such a seat causes a sensorimotor simulation effect, which forces us to engage deep stabilizing muscles. These muscles are relaxed while sitting on classic chairs with static seats.
The goal of this simulation is to maintain a correct posture and correct position of the spine while bending over the office desk, which leads to eliminating back pain, especially in the lower back. The comfortable backrest and armrests of SpinaliS healthy chairs enable a safe and healthy all-day sitting.
SpinaliS health chairs patented system
The uniqueness of the healthy SpinaliS chairs is based on the applied seat attachment system.
With this technology a SpinaliS healthy chair follows all the movements of your body while sitting,
so you can feel the freedom to move in all directions and strengthening your core at the same time. When you lean over the table, the movable seat tilts on its spring, which leads to maintaining a proper position of your spine and enables improved blood circulation through your lower limbs.
No other office chair or ergonomic chair can provide this effect.